The Boston Girl by Anita Diamant


333 Pages

Publisher: Scribner

Release Date: December 9, 2014

Fiction, General Fiction (Adult), Historical Fiction, Relationships, Friendships, Families

Addie Baum was born in 1900 to Jewish immigrant parents. She begins the story in 1915 in a library. The book is an account of her life through World War I and II and the Spanish flu epidemic. It is written as if it was told by 85-year-old Addie to her 22-year-old granddaughter.

I absolutely love Addie and her personality. She had amazing life experiences and women that stood with her and for her. We see the good and bad relationships with her older sisters, her mother, a librarian, and women news writers. The author wrote the story so well, I wanted to research Addie Baum and read her book. This is a book I will recommend over and over to everyone that enjoys books with strong women characters.  

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