The Dream Lover by Elizabeth Berg


357 Pages

Publisher: Random House Publishing Group, Random House

Release Date: April 14, 2015

Fiction, Historical Fiction, LGBTQIA

 Aurore Dupin is leaving her husband. They have had a loveless marriage for years. She cannot live that life anymore and leaves her family home to pursue the life she wants in Paris. She becomes a writer with the pen name George Sand.

The book has a steady pace, very developed characters, and is written in the first-person point of view. The book jumps back and forth in time. There are times when Aurore is a child then she is George Sand. I enjoyed reading about George Sand. I was unaware of her writing before reading this book. I loved her comment about loving the spirit no matter the sex of the body. What an independent and strong woman she was. This would be a good choice for anyone that loves generational or historical fiction.

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