The Green Amendment: The People’s Fight for a Clean, Safe, and Healthy Environment by Maya K. Van Rossum

365 Pages

Publisher: Disruption Books

Release Date: November 1, 2022

Nonfiction, Environmental, Climate. Law, Culture

The book is divided into the following parts.

My Green Amendment Epiphany

Living in the Sacrifice Zone

The Right to a Healthy Environment

Fracking Away Our Future


The Paving of America

Confronting the Climate Crisis

Ending Environmental Racism

You’re Not Expendable!

Can We Afford A Green Amendment?

Fighting For A Green Amendment

This book comes at a critical t time for us. If we wait much longer to makes changes for the environment, it will be too late. This is the tipping point. The author does a wonderful job pointing out the importance of climate change. The writing style is more reference than conversational but still easy to understand. If you are interested in the future of our planet, this is a great read.

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