The Herb Book: The Most Complete Catalog of Herbs Ever Published by John Lust

640 Pages
Publisher: Dover Publications Inc

Release Date: July 16, 2014

Nonfiction, Nature, Outdoors, Plants, Herbs, Medicinal, Healing, Remedies

The book is divided into the following parts.

Part 1: Herbs and History

Part 2: A Compendium of Botanical Medicine

Part 3: Herbal Mixtures

This book is an excellent resource for anyone interested in herbal remedies. I glimpsed through this ebook several times before I realized I needed a physical copy. The book is massive in size and information. I appreciate the drawing of leaves with descriptions for each. In fact, there is a drawing for many of the herb entries. This book is a valuable reference book and plan on spending many days pouring through the entries.

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