The Jeweler of Stolen Dreams by M.J. Rose

354 Pages

Publisher: AuthorBuzz, Blue Box Press

Release Date: February 7, 2023

Fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Holocaust

Suzanne Belperron is a jewelry designer in the 1940s. Her lover is Jewish and to save the business, he sells it to her. She is questioned over the sale and asked to show her records. She needs to protect her Jewish clients at all costs.

Violine is an appraiser, but she has special talents. She can touch an object and listen to its story. She comes from a long line of talented women. Her grandmother was the Witch of Painted Sorrows.

The book is fast paced, the characters are developed, and it is written in the first-person point of view of Violine and diary entries. From Suzanne. It is always hard to read about Holocaust victims and how their properties were pillaged. The story is moving, emotional, and beautifully told. If you like historical fiction, you will enjoy reading this.

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