The Last Things We Talk About: Your Guide to End of Life Transitions
The Last Things We Talk About gives readers and their loved ones the opportunity as death approaches to affirm, celebrate, and remember the people and experiences they cherish in life. The author guides readers step-by-step through the process of making aging and death-related decisions. This includes defining personal values and wishes as well as planning for practical medical, financial, and legal considerations. This book will help readers: - Identify the people, experiences, and things that are…

The Last Things We Talk About by Elizabeth T Boatwright

250 Pages

Publisher: Bull Publishing Company

Release Date: April 6, 2021

The book begins with a guide to key pages. This allows the reader to pick a section that is appropriate for a particular subject or relationship. The book is divided into the following chapters.

Chapter 1: Exploring and Expressing Meaning and Purpose

Chapter 2: Making Wishes Known to Loved Ones

Chapter 3: Talking about Health and Illness

Chapter 4: Putting Your House in Order

Chapter 5: Saying Goodbye and the Dying Process

Chapter 6: Figuring Out What Happens Next

Chapter 7: Piecing Things Back Together after Death – Conversations around Grief and Loss

Appendix: Resources


This book is necessary for all of us during these uncertain times. The topics in the book are hard to bring up but are important topics to discuss. Each chapter has a couple of quotes and sample scenarios along with a checklist. The questionnaires are important and definitely provides help and guidance to the reader. During the COVID-19 pandemic it has become important for my family to organize our final wishes and arrangements, so the responsibility does not fall on our children. The checklist of essential information and documents is complete and very handy to gather everything into one place. I highly recommend this book to everyone to relieve your families from any burdens.


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