The Lost Book of Eleanor Dare by Kimberly Brock


464 Pages

Publisher: Harper Muse

Release Date: April 22, 2022

Fiction, Historical Fiction, 1940s, World War II, Roanoke Colony, Dare Stones

Alice is a war widow with a thirteen-year-old daughter, Penn. After the death of her father, Alice returns to her mother’s family estate, Evertell. Alice wants to show Penn her history and find Eleanor Dare’s book. Penn becomes involved in restoring the chapel bell on the estate and Alice begins repairs on the house. She is undecided on her future – stay or go.

The story is written in third person point of view apart from Alice (first person) and Eleanor’s book. The story has a steady pace, and the characters are somewhat developed. There is a sadness throughout story and the characters. They all have suffered so much. I liked the idea of a book by Eleanor Dare and appreciate the thorough research the author did while writing the book. If you have any interest in the Roanoke Colony, you will enjoy reading this book.

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