The Lost Witch by Paige Crutcher

311 Pages

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press,

Release Date: December 27, 2022

Fiction, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Celtic Mythology

Brigid is a witch. She serves the Goddess and tends the lough. She wants a child but the Goddess denies her request. Lugh Knightly, the creator of the lough, hears Brigid’s cries. He gives her what she wants, a daughter. Dove, her daughter, reaches age twelve but tragically is taken by the lough. When Brigid awakes after Dove’s disappearance, it is one hundred later. She meets Finola and Ophelia, descendants of her sister, Agnes. Together they work to regain Brigid’s memories, fighting the Damned, who are controlling the lough, and find Dove.

The book has a steady pace, the characters are developed, and it is written in the third person point of view. I love the connection of Brigid the witch to the Goddess. If you like Celtic mythology, you will enjoy this book.

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