The Love Mindset by Vironika Tugaleva


250 Pages

Publisher: Soulux Press, Independent Book Publishers Association (IPBA)

Release Date: December 1, 2013

Nonfiction, Self-Help, Health, Mind, Body, Spirit, Religion, Spirituality

The book is divided into the following chapters.

Rules of Life

The Sun

Loving with the Mind

Addicted to Triggers

Feeding the Mind

You and I

Who You Really Are

Searching for Permanence

Looking At You

Self-Protective Self-Destruction

Bandage Worship

The Villain

The Preacher and the Teacher

The Challenge

I found this book to be very deep and at times a challenging read. It made me go within myself and realize there were places where I lacked love. This brought about triggers for me that I had to deal with which was uncomfortable to say the least. I liked the author’s writing style and thought provoking. If you are interested in going deep within yourself for self-healing, this would be a great book to read.

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