The Ouroboros Key by Patricia Leslie

322 Pages

Publisher: Odyssey Books

Release Date: March 23, 2014

Fiction, Mystery, Action, Adventure, Premonitions, Conspiracy Theories, Holy Grail

Dan is a photographer at Chaco Canyon when he meets Nick. Nick is looking for a special place for his wife’s ashes. The two men form a friendship which turns into a working partnership with Nick’s private investigation business. Dan has always been plagued with nightmares or premonitions. After he is attacked and suffering from his injuries, his nightmares are back. He is taken care of by two homeless men. One of the men gives Dan a necklace with a ring on it. The ring is a snake eating its tail. Now the adventure begins in earnest.

The story’s pace is slow and then fast at times. The characters are developed, and it is written in the third person point of view. I love books with the Holy Grail theme. It is always an adventure but, in this story, it is personal to Dan. If you like Dan Brown’s books or Indiana Jones, you will enjoy reading this one.

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