The Shadow of Perseus by Claire Heywood

304 Pages

Publisher: Penguin Group Dutton, Dutton

Release Date: February 21, 2023

Fiction, Greek Mythology, Women’s Fiction

In Argos, the Oracle tells King Akrisios that his daughter, Danae, would have a son and this son would kill him. For that reason, he keeps her in the dungeon. Her servant, Korrina, brings her food and is her only company until an unexpected visit by Myron, the baker’s son.

Her father comes to visit her and when she asks when she can return to her previous life outside of the dungeon, he tells her it was for her own protection. When Danae realizes too late that she is with child, she tries to hide her condition. Her father plans on sacrificing her to Poseidon, Lord of the Sea, but his brother, Proitos tries stops him.

Danae made a home on Seriphos, a rough land where Perseus grows to a man. When her benefactor Diktys, dies, his brother, Polydektes offers her marriage. Perseus is not in favor of the union. He is angry that his family did not want him and prevented him from living the life he was entitled to. He goes to the island where the Gorgons live and meets Medusa. Then he travels to Lybia and rescues Andromeda from a sea beast.

The story has a steady pace, the characters are developed, and it is written in the third person point of view. In this version, Perseus is seen as an entitled and bitter young man. His anger lays under the surface and at times when he does not get his way, gets the best of him. The story is really about the three women who live within his shadow. If you like twists on fairytales or mythology, you will enjoy reading this book.

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