The Survivors of the Clotilda The Lost Stories of the Last Captives of the American Slave Trade

The Survivors of the Clotilda The Lost Stories of the Last Captives of the American Slave Trade by Hannah Durkin
432 Pages
Publisher: Amistad
Release Date: January 30, 2024
Nonfiction (Adult), Nonfiction, History, Multicultural Interest, Slavery, Civil War, Alabama
The Clotilda was the last slave ship bringing 110 kidnapped Africans to the United States. The ship docked in Alabama and the bidding began. Some of the occupants on the ship were as young as Matilda at age two. The slave trade was already banned and several of the local politicians hid the fact the Clotilda arrived with slaves. The ship was destroyed at the docks to get rid of any evidence.
The conditions the Africans endured continued throughout their lives. Only one African every returned to his home country. They all told their stories to their families and asked that it be repeated to future generations so they would not be forgotten.
The author did an amazing job following the lives of the Africans after their arrival in the United States. Her writing style is engaging and easy to follow. It is well written and eye opening. She tells their stories as if she was listening to them firsthand. If you have an interest in American History, you should read this book.