The Way of the Psychic Heart: Developing Your Spiritual Gifts in the Everyday World by Chad Mercree

336 Pages

Publisher: Llewellyn Publications, Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd

Release Date: June 8, 2014

Nonfiction (Adult) Mind, Body, Spirit, Metaphysical, Intuition

The book is divided into the following parts.

Part I: Foundation

Chapter One: Getting Started

Chapter Two: Spiritual Athletes

Part II: Learning to See with the Three Pillars

Chapter Three: Developing Awareness

Chapter Four: Seeing Auras

Chapter Five: Honing Intuition

Part III: Learning to Listen

Chapter Six: Dreams

Chapter Seven: Automatic Writing

Chapter Eight: Spirit Guide

Part IV: Being Psychic

Chapter Nine: Spiritual Responsibilities

Chapter Ten: Intention

Chapter Eleven: The Joyful Life


This is one of the better books on explaining psychic abilities. The author does a great job describing what psychic experiences and how to use these skills. Each exercise he provides builds from the previous to help the reader develop confidence in their intuition. If you are interested in working with your inborn skills, I recommend this book to you.

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