The Younger Wife
Stephen Aston is getting married again. The only problem is, he's still married to his first wife, even though she is in a care facility for dementia. But he'll take care of that easily, by divorcing her--even if his adult daughters protest. Tully and Rachel Aston look upon Heather as nothing but an interloper. Heather is the same age as Rachel and even younger than Tully. Clearly she's a golddigger and after their father's money.…

 The book begins at the wedding and then we go back in time one year to when Stephen Aston meets his bride. He and his wife Pam are redecorating their home and hire Heather. Pam is suffering from early onset dementia. Their two adult daughters, Rachel and Tully have their own issues. Rachel was raped at 16 and has not been able to date or have an intimate relationship. Tully is a kleptomaniac, married to a lawyer with two little boys. She just found out that her husband Sonny invested their money poorly and lost all their money.

The story is fast paced, and the characters are well developed.  The characters are all flawed to some degree. The scene of Tully stealing in the hardware store was funny but sad. It is written in third-person point of view except for the wedding portions. These are told in the first-person point of view by Fiona. I loved this story. It made me question who was right and if anyone was abused. If you like dysfunctional family relationship stories with a twist, you will enjoy this one too.

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