Published: 4/26/2022
The thrilling sequel to Hush, one of the most talked about YA fantasies of 2020. Shae’s entire world has been turned upside down, and everything she’s ever believed is a lie. More determined than ever, she sets out to the mysterious land of Gondal—a place forbidden to mention and resigned to myth—in search of a dangerous magical book that could alter the fabric of the world. Following the trail of Ravod, the boy she thought…

In the first book, Shae goes on a quest to find Ravod and the Book of Days.  She is traveling with her friends Mads and Fiona and fellow Bard Kennan. They trek to Gondal and see sights they never imagined. Their arduous travels take a toll on all of them but more so for one than the others.


The story is fast paced, the characters are more developed, and it is written in first person point of view. As in the first book, I enjoyed the author’s descriptive style of writing. This story is more than an adventure. It is a story of friendship and relationships that are built on trust and love from a lifetime of experiences together. If you like the Hunger Games and Divergent and other dystopian type stories, you will enjoy this one.


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