Warrior Girl Unearthed by Angeline Boulley

400 Pages

Publisher: Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group, Henry Hold and Co. (BYR)

Release Date: May 9, 2023

Fiction, Multicultural, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Indigenous People, Teens, Young Adult

Perry Firekeeper-Birch is a twin to Pauline. Where Pauline is academic and outgoing, Perry is the complete opposite. She wants to be with the land and is known to be the best at fishing. She even kisses the worms. She was planning to have a slack summer but after a close call with a bear and the Jeep, she is the latest summer intern. Her assignment is working with Cooper Turtle, the curator of the local museum. He wants her to learn about reparation of Tribal artifacts and the laws involved. She does something to lose his trust and is reassigned to the Tribal Council. Now she is working with the MMIW (Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women) database to help find the women.

The book has a fast pace, the characters re developed and it is written first person point of view. The information about the MMIW is well researched. The statistics are staggering and needs to be addressed by the government. Things certainly need to be done to correct this miscarriage of justice. If you are interested in First Nation / Indigenous people, with a mysterious twist, you will enjoy this book.

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