Where Darkness Blooms by Andrea Hannah

320 Pages
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press, Wednesday Books
Release Date: February 21, 2023

Fiction, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Teens, Young Adult, Creepy Town

Bishop, Kansas is a cursed town. The ground calls for blood. To say the town is creepy to say the least. It is surrounded by sunflowers as if to keep in the inhabitants. Its founder made a sacrifice of his wife when they arrived.

Delilah Cortez, Bo Wagner, Whitney and Jude Montgomery live together in Bishop, Kansas. Two years ago, all their mothers vanished one evening when the girls were at a bonfire. Six months ago, Whitney’s girlfriend, Eleanor Craft, was found dead. Although she was an athlete, they were told she died of a heart attack. William, Caleb and Bennett Harding are distant descendants from the town’s founder.

This is written in a Stephen King style. I really wanted to love this book. The pace was okay, the characters were somewhat developed, and it was written in the third person point of view. I thought the premise was good, but the teenagers were so similar it was easy to get them confused. I also thought the idea of female sacrifice was a bit much. If you like young adult sci fi/fantasy books, you may like this story.

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