Where the Truth Lies

384 Pages
Publisher: Atria Books
Release Date: August 3, 2021
Emma and Abi are best friends. One night at a party, Abi tells Emma to go home, and she will see her later. That is the last time Emma sees her friend. Abi’s father, Samuel is a violent man. He beats his wife and two sons, but Abi is left unharmed.
Emma is racked with guilt thinking if she had stayed, Abi would still be with them. She is on a quest to find out what happened and who is responsible for Abi’s disappearance. The book is written in third person point of view and the story is well paced. The characters are developed and grow as the story continues. It was a fast read for me and I enjoyed the intrigue. I enjoyed this author’s writing style and will look for more books written by her.