Why We Get Sick: The Hidden Epidemic at the Root of Most Chronic Disease and How to Fight It  by Benjamin Bikman

280 Pages

Publisher: BenBella Books

Release Date: July 21, 2020

Nonfiction, Medical, Illness, Health, Mind, Body, Science

The book is divided into the following

Part I: The Problem: What is Insulin Resistance and Why Does It Matter?

Chapter 1: What is Insulin Resistance

Chapter 2: Heart Health

Chapter 3: The Brain and Neurological Disorders

Chapter 4: Reproductive Heath

Chapter 5: Cancer

Chapter 6: Aging, the Skin, Muscles, and Bones

Chapter 7: Gastrointestinal and Kidney Health

Chapter 8: The Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity

Part II: Causes: What Makes Us Insulin Resistant in the First Place

Chapter 9: How Age and Genetics Influence Insulin

Chapter 10: How Hormones Cause Insulin Resistance

Chapter 11: Obesity and Insulin Resistance, Revisited

Chapter 12: Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

Chapter 13: Lifestyle Factors

Part III: The Solution: How Can We Fight Insulin Resistance

Chapter 14: Get Moving: The Importance of Physical Activity

Chapter 15: Eat Smart: The Evidence on the Food We Eat

Chapter 16: Conventional Interventions: Drugs and Surgery

Chapter 17: The Plan: Putting Research into Action

This book was an eye opener for me. I did not know that insulin resistance could be behind so many chronic conditions. Several of the conditions the author covers are medical conditions I deal with daily. If you have a chronic condition and would like to look at it from a different perspective, I recommend this book to you.

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