The Sound of Glass by Karen White

426 Pages

Publisher: Penguin Group Berkley, NAL / Signet Romance, DAW, NAL

Release Date: May 12, 2015

Fiction (Adult), General Fiction (Adult), Women’s Fiction, Family Relationships

In 1955, Edith found a suitcase from an airplane explosion. Considering the damage, she is amazed the suitcase survived. She opens it up and finds a letter. The police and chaplin come to tell her that there was an accident. Her husband, Calhoun, must have been distracted by the explosion and drove into a tree. He did not survive.

In 2014, Merritt Heyward’s husband, Cal, a firefighter died two years ago. Now she is meeting with an attorney. She has inherited his family home in Beaufort, South Carolina. In their seven years of marriage, Cal never told her anything about his family, including that he had a brother. Loralee Purvis Connors was married to Merritt’s father, and they had a son, Owen. When Loralee learned Merritt inherited a house, she packs up their house and heads to South Caroline.

The book has a steady pace, the characters are well developed, and it is written in the first and third points of view. This is a very emotional story about the relationships between families. Just when you think you know what is happening, you find out you are wrong. The book made me laugh and cry. If you like family dramas, you will enjoy this book.

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