Diary of Anna the Girl Witch by Max Candee, Vic Connor

284 Pages

Publisher: Helvetic House, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members’ Titles

Release Date: January 1, 2016

Fiction, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Young Adult, Teens, Orphans

Anna Sophia is an orphan. She was found in a Russian bear cave by Uncle Misha. He raised her until she needed to attend school. She then went to live at the orphanage and attended a private school in Geneva. The neighbors Andre and Marie live in a castle and having been adopting girls from the school to be companions for their daughter Candance.

When she turns 13, the orphanage throws a party. Later that night, her attorney, Monsieur Nolan brings her a secret package. It is a letter from her mother with a page torn out of a book and a human sized hand named Squire. Something feels off to Anna Sophia about the couple and their bossy daughter. She uses her newly found powers to investigate but it is worse than she thought.

The story is fast paced, the characters are somewhat developed, and it is written in the first-person point of view. This was originally the first in the Foundling Series but there is a prequel now, so it is listed as the second in the series. This would be a great chapter book for middle grade children.

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