Divine Rivals: Letters of Enchantment Book 1 by Rebecca Ross

357 Pages

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press, Wednesday Books

Release Date: April 4, 2023

Fiction, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Teens, Young Adult

Iris Winnow wants to be a writer at the Oath Gazette. She is in competition with her rival, Roman. She misses her brother Forest who went to war and writes letters to him. She puts them in her wardrobe, and they mysteriously disappear. Several days later, an answer appears. The sender is anonymous. Now she has to identify her mother’s body at the morgue and misses the deadline for the competition. The job of columnist goes to Roman. He wants it to be fair and asks if the deadline could be extended but is denied. With this missed opportunity, Iris decides to go to the frontlines of the war as a correspondent.

The book has a building pace, the characters are well developed, and it is written in the third person point of view. The book reminds me of a cross between Chronicles of Narnia and You’ve Got Mail. The mysterious letters in the wardrobe with a secret pen pal is a cute storyline. As the reader, we know who she is writing to and who is answering. If you like these movies, you will enjoy reading this book.

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