Hemlock Island

Hemlock Island by Kelley Armstrong

304 Pages

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press

Release Date: September 12, 2023

Fiction (Adult), General Fiction (Adult), Horror, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Mystical, Elemental

Laney Kilpatrick owns an isolated house on Hemlock Island, a private island in Lake Superior. She gets a telephone call at 4 a.m. from her current renters. They found blood and claw marks on the inside of a guest closet. It is more than disturbing considering the other weird occurrences. There have been hex marks and bones found. Now people start going missing. Who or what is behind the disappearances and bizarre acts.

The book is fast paced, the characters are developed, and it is written in the first-person point of view.  This is a departure from Ms. Armstrong’s other books. It is more like a book by Stephen King. If you like horror book set on deserted islands, you will enjoy this book.

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