Messy Minimalism: Realistic Strategies for the Rest of Us

Messy Minimalism: Realistic Strategies for the Rest of Us
Think minimalism means a perfectly curated, always tidy home? Think again. Drowning in tides of toys, overflowing closets, and a crazy schedule, Rachelle Crawford assumed you had to be naturally organized to keep a tidy living space. Then she found minimalism: the messy, real-life kind, that is less about perfection and more about purpose. Thus began a journey toward decluttering her home, calendar, and soul. With empathy, grace, and humor, Crawford--who curates the popular Abundant…

I have wanted to embrace the minimalist lifestyle for a while now. I just cannot do it. I have decluttered but find there are things/areas I just cannot minimalize. Rachelle has given me hope. After reading her book, I am more motivated than I have been in a long time. I have a plan that for the year that will tackle most of my clutter. For the last several years, I have decluttered and organized. I bought containers and shelfing units (things that she says only leads to clutter, LOL!) I felt like I was doing good until I got 99% complete, I just couldn’t seem to finish. Now I know why.  I had unrealistic expectations. With Rachelle’s help, my action plan is complete, and all the rooms and areas of my home will be minimalistic in a messy sort of way.


I loved this book so much! Since I finished it, I started following Rachelle’s social media accounts and find inspirational and supportive advice. I now realize I was looking for a realistic plan to minimize my stuff without living in empty rooms. My husband and I have already started following her advice and I hope to have the whole house done by the end of the year (I have a lot of areas and stuff.) I cannot recommend this book enough. I wish she lived close by so I could take her up on her offer to come and help minimize.

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