Pan: Dark Lord of the Forest and Horned God of the Witches (Pagan Portals)

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Published: 11/25/2016
Those who have grown up with Pan as a playmate remember how, back in the day, it would be possible for a young child to disappear into the woods with only a dog for company for hours on end without there being a hue and cry raised in its absence; and it was on those woodland rides and pathways - summer or winter - that Melusine Draco often encountered Pan."

The book is divided into the following chapters and at the end of each is a magical exercise.

Chapter 1: The power of images

Chapter 2: The great god Pan is dead!

Chapter 3: Companion of the Nymphs

Chapter 4: I too was in Arcadia

Chapter 5: God of the Witches

Other names by which Pan is known

The Orphic Hymns

The author begins with a detailed description of Pan and horned gods along with their association to Satan and the Devil. She also discusses the outlaw of Paganism and whether there was a continuation of it through modern times. She provides an image of Arcadia which was Pan’s home but was described as other places in mythology stories.

If you are interested in Pan and his story, you will enjoy this book. Although it is a short book, it contains thorough research on the subject.

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