Resistance: A Songwriter’s Story of Hope, Change, and Courage

Resistance: A Songwriter's Story of Hope, Change, and Courage
Published: 5/5/2020
Since the release of her first, career-defining solo album Little Earthquakes, Tori Amos has been one of the music industry's most enduring and ingenious artists. From her unnerving depiction of sexual assault in "Me and a Gun" to her post-9/11 album Scarlet's Walk to her latest album Native Invader, her work has never shied away from intermingling the personal with the political. Amos began playing piano as a teenager for the politically powerful at hotel…

The story begins in Georgetown as Tori is a young girl going from place to place with her father with the hopes of her playing the piano. She describes her rebellious teenage years and moves on to adulthood. She includes lyrics and the background story behind the words. There is a moving section where she describes being in New York City when the Towers came down and emotions felt by everyone there.

She goes on to discuss Dr. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh outcome. Many women across the country shared their views with her and reminded her that women are stronger when they work together towards a common goal. She talks about the political hate that has become obvious since the Trump election. She discusses her mother, Mary and her debilitating stroke and the hole in her life after Mary’s death.

I have followed Tori’s music since her Little Earthquakes album. Before reading this book, I was unaware of the creative block she had in the twenties. Her work as a feminist and political activist is inspiring. She has an easy to read writing style which I enjoyed. If you enjoy her music, are a feminist or political activist, I recommend this book.

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