The Last Good Place: Krug and Kellog Thriller Book 4 by Robin Burcell

270 Pages

Publisher: Brash Books

Release Date: November 3, 2015

Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Suspense, Police Procedural, Strangling

Marcie Valentine believes her husband, Devin, is having an affair with Trudy Salvatori, the next-door neighbor. She hires someone to rough up Trudy to scare her. She hears her husband calling Trudy and sees her come over before going for a run. Ahead of her on the trail, she hears someone yelling. When she gets to the scene, Trudy is dead on the ground. The rumor is she is the latest victim of the Landmark Strangler. The man is being chased and runs into the street where he is hit by a vehicle. Sergeants Casey Kellog and Al Krug are the investigators on the case. They do not believe he did it even though he was at the scene. They do not like the coincidence of Marcie finding the body.

The book has a fast pace, the characters are developed, and it is written in the third person point of view. I like how Marcie has regret of her actions. I love the twists in the story that make you see, think, and feel one way and then lead you in another direction. If you like mysteries with twists, you will enjoy this one.

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