The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton

368 Pages

Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark

Release Date: May 21, 2024

Fiction (Adult), General Fiction (Adult), Mystery, Thrillers, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Dystopian

The island is surrounded by a deadly fog. There are only 91 hours until all humanity is gone. The villagers are living in a post-apocalyptic environment. Abi is a voice in everyone’s mind. She also knows what people think and do. She can make the villagers drop into sleep and keep them sleeping until she wakes them. Niema, an elder, was a prominent scientist before the world event that brought the fog. She wants to perform an experiment that count save the remaining population. If she is unsuccessful, everyone will die.

The book has a building pace as the clock counts down the remaining hours. The characters are somewhat developed, and it is written in the third person point of view except for Abi. This is an interesting concept for the end of humanity. If you like science fiction, fantasy, or dystopian stories, you will enjoy this one.

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