The Lightmaker's Manifesto: How to Work for Change Without Losing Your Joy
Many of us have strong convictions. We want to advocate for causes we care about--but which ones? We want to work for change--but will the emotional toll lead to burn out? Leadership coach, lawyer, photographer, and activist Karen Walrond knows that when you care deeply about the world, light can seem hard to find. But when your activism grows out of your joy--and vice versa--you begin to see light everywhere. In The Lightmaker's Manifesto, Walrond…

The book is divided into four parts and each part has several chapters.

Part I: Clearing

1.     On Life-Changers and Lightmakers

2.     On Joy, Meaning, and Surviving a Hurricane

3.     On Bangs, Whispers, and Trinidadian Run

Part II: Tinder

4.     On Skills, Gifts, and Becoming a Trustee

5.     On Integrity, Empathy, and Kindness as Resistance

Part III: Spark

6.     On Values, Missions, and Guitar Strings

7.     On Mind Maps, Star Charts, and Taking First Steps

8.     On Listening, Intentions, and Doing It for Fun’s Sake

Part IV: Fire and Light

9.     On Self-Compassion, Courage, and Aligning Your Star Collective

10.  On Curiosity, Vision Boards, and Expecting to Fail

11.  On Gratitude and Celebration

Epilogue: Lessons From the Bonfire

This book is amazing, and I felt good just reading it. The book is written as short memoir stories of the author’s experiences. She began her career as an engineer, decided to go to law school, and after retirement, became a photographer. She adds her own thoughts and journal prompts along with some from her friends and celebrities.

The end of the book includes the Lightmaker’s Manifesto and the Lightmaker’s Manual. Currently I keep a bullet journal that I also use as a mini scrapbook. I am going to include her manifesto and idea of a “Spark Statement” along with some of her other tips and suggestions. I recommend this book to anyone that wants to incorporate more joy and positivity in their lives. This book should be on everyone’s bookshelf because who doesn’t need more happiness.

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